Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

December, 2023

Putin Ally Found Dead After Falling From Third-Floor Window: Reports

Accident bête...
Russian investigators are probing the death of Vladimir Egorov, a member of Vladimir Putin's ruling United Russia party.

Je remets en place ! GitHub - kalvn/shaarli2mastodon: This Shaarli plugin allows you to automatically publish links you post on your Mastodon timeline.

This Shaarli plugin allows you to automatically publish links you post on your Mastodon timeline. - GitHub - kalvn/shaarli2mastodon: This Shaarli plugin allows you to automatically publish links you post on your Mastodon timeline.

SMTP Smuggling
Zero downtime Postgres upgrades

How we upgraded from Postgres 11.9 to 15.3 with zero downtime

COP28 : un accord "historique" finalement conclu

Mercredi 13 décembre, la COP28 a conclu un accord qualifié d'"historique" avec un jour de retard. Il appelle pour la première fois à abandonner progressivement les énergies fossiles.
-> fun de voter pour des choses que peu d'états essayeront d'atteindre. Même en France on ne remplit pas nos objectifs

Show collection and folder ownership of an item in list view - Password Manager - Bitwarden Community Forums

It would be great to see the list of collection an item is in when listing. We’re using organizations, and a nested list of collections grouped by customer. For every customer we have we will have a Firewall item, but i…
