45 private links
other(1), -- none of the following
ethernetCsmacd(6), -- for all ethernet-like interfaces,
-- regardless of speed, as per RFC3635
iso88023Csmacd(7), -- Deprecated via RFC3635
-- ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
starLan(11), -- Deprecated via RFC3635
-- ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
ds1(18), -- DS1-MIB
e1(19), -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
basicISDN(20), -- no longer used
-- see also RFC2127
primaryISDN(21), -- no longer used
-- see also RFC2127
propPointToPointSerial(22), -- proprietary serial
eon(25), -- CLNP over IP
nsip(27), -- XNS over IP
slip(28), -- generic SLIP
ultra(29), -- ULTRA technologies
ds3(30), -- DS3-MIB
sip(31), -- SMDS, coffee
frameRelay(32), -- DTE only.
para(34), -- parallel-port
arcnet(35), -- arcnet
arcnetPlus(36), -- arcnet plus
atm(37), -- ATM cells
sonet(39), -- SONET or SDH
frameRelayService(44), -- FRNETSERV-MIB
modem(48), -- Generic modem
aal5(49), -- AAL5 over ATM
smdsIcip(52), -- SMDS InterCarrier Interface
propVirtual(53), -- proprietary virtual/internal
propMultiplexor(54),-- proprietary multiplexing
ieee80212(55), -- 100BaseVG
fibreChannel(56), -- Fibre Channel
hippiInterface(57), -- HIPPI interfaces
frameRelayInterconnect(58), -- Obsolete, use either
-- frameRelay(32) or
-- frameRelayService(44).
aflane8023(59), -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.3
aflane8025(60), -- ATM Emulated LAN for 802.5
cctEmul(61), -- ATM Emulated circuit
fastEther(62), -- Obsoleted via RFC3635
-- ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
isdn(63), -- ISDN and X.25
v11(64), -- CCITT V.11/X.21
v36(65), -- CCITT V.36
g703at64k(66), -- CCITT G703 at 64Kbps
g703at2mb(67), -- Obsolete see DS1-MIB
qllc(68), -- SNA QLLC
fastEtherFX(69), -- Obsoleted via RFC3635
-- ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
channel(70), -- channel
ieee80211(71), -- radio spread spectrum
ibm370parChan(72), -- IBM System 360/370 OEMI Channel
escon(73), -- IBM Enterprise Systems Connection
dlsw(74), -- Data Link Switching
isdns(75), -- ISDN S/T interface
isdnu(76), -- ISDN U interface
lapd(77), -- Link Access Protocol D
ipSwitch(78), -- IP Switching Objects
rsrb(79), -- Remote Source Route Bridging
atmLogical(80), -- ATM Logical Port
ds0(81), -- Digital Signal Level 0
ds0Bundle(82), -- group of ds0s on the same ds1
bsc(83), -- Bisynchronous Protocol
async(84), -- Asynchronous Protocol
cnr(85), -- Combat Net Radio
iso88025Dtr(86), -- ISO 802.5r DTR
eplrs(87), -- Ext Pos Loc Report Sys
arap(88), -- Appletalk Remote Access Protocol
propCnls(89), -- Proprietary Connectionless Protocol
hostPad(90), -- CCITT-ITU X.29 PAD Protocol
termPad(91), -- CCITT-ITU X.3 PAD Facility
frameRelayMPI(92), -- Multiproto Interconnect over FR
x213(93), -- CCITT-ITU X213
adsl(94), -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
radsl(95), -- Rate-Adapt. Digital Subscriber Loop
sdsl(96), -- Symmetric Digital Subscriber Loop
vdsl(97), -- Very H-Speed Digital Subscrib. Loop
iso88025CRFPInt(98), -- ISO 802.5 CRFP
myrinet(99), -- Myricom Myrinet
voiceEM(100), -- voice recEive and transMit
voiceFXO(101), -- voice Foreign Exchange Office
voiceFXS(102), -- voice Foreign Exchange Station
voiceEncap(103), -- voice encapsulation
voiceOverIp(104), -- voice over IP encapsulation
atmDxi(105), -- ATM DXI
atmFuni(106), -- ATM FUNI
atmIma (107), -- ATM IMA
pppMultilinkBundle(108), -- PPP Multilink Bundle
ipOverCdlc (109), -- IBM ipOverCdlc
ipOverClaw (110), -- IBM Common Link Access to Workstn
stackToStack (111), -- IBM stackToStack
virtualIpAddress (112), -- IBM VIPA
mpc (113), -- IBM multi-protocol channel support
ipOverAtm (114), -- IBM ipOverAtm
iso88025Fiber (115), -- ISO 802.5j Fiber Token Ring
tdlc (116), -- IBM twinaxial data link control
gigabitEthernet (117), -- Obsoleted via RFC3635
-- ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead
hdlc (118), -- HDLC
lapf (119), -- LAP F
v37 (120), -- V.37
x25mlp (121), -- Multi-Link Protocol
x25huntGroup (122), -- X25 Hunt Group
transpHdlc (123), -- Transp HDLC
interleave (124), -- Interleave channel
fast (125), -- Fast channel
ip (126), -- IP (for APPN HPR in IP networks)
docsCableMaclayer (127), -- CATV Mac Layer
docsCableDownstream (128), -- CATV Downstream interface
docsCableUpstream (129), -- CATV Upstream interface
a12MppSwitch (130), -- Avalon Parallel Processor
tunnel (131), -- Encapsulation interface
coffee (132), -- coffee pot
ces (133), -- Circuit Emulation Service
atmSubInterface (134), -- ATM Sub Interface
l2vlan (135), -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using 802.1Q
l3ipvlan (136), -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IP
l3ipxvlan (137), -- Layer 3 Virtual LAN using IPX
digitalPowerline (138), -- IP over Power Lines
mediaMailOverIp (139), -- Multimedia Mail over IP
dtm (140), -- Dynamic syncronous Transfer Mode
dcn (141), -- Data Communications Network
ipForward (142), -- IP Forwarding Interface
msdsl (143), -- Multi-rate Symmetric DSL
ieee1394 (144), -- IEEE1394 High Performance Serial Bus
if-gsn (145), -- HIPPI-6400
dvbRccMacLayer (146), -- DVB-RCC MAC Layer
dvbRccDownstream (147), -- DVB-RCC Downstream Channel
dvbRccUpstream (148), -- DVB-RCC Upstream Channel
atmVirtual (149), -- ATM Virtual Interface
mplsTunnel (150), -- MPLS Tunnel Virtual Interface
srp (151), -- Spatial Reuse Protocol
voiceOverAtm (152), -- Voice Over ATM
voiceOverFrameRelay (153), -- Voice Over Frame Relay
idsl (154), -- Digital Subscriber Loop over ISDN
compositeLink (155), -- Avici Composite Link Interface
ss7SigLink (156), -- SS7 Signaling Link
propWirelessP2P (157), -- Prop. P2P wireless interface
frForward (158), -- Frame Forward Interface
rfc1483 (159), -- Multiprotocol over ATM AAL5
usb (160), -- USB Interface
ieee8023adLag (161), -- IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregate
bgppolicyaccounting (162), -- BGP Policy Accounting
frf16MfrBundle (163), -- FRF .16 Multilink Frame Relay
h323Gatekeeper (164), -- H323 Gatekeeper
h323Proxy (165), -- H323 Voice and Video Proxy
mpls (166), -- MPLS
mfSigLink (167), -- Multi-frequency signaling link
hdsl2 (168), -- High Bit-Rate DSL - 2nd generation
shdsl (169), -- Multirate HDSL2
ds1FDL (170), -- Facility Data Link 4Kbps on a DS1
pos (171), -- Packet over SONET/SDH Interface
dvbAsiIn (172), -- DVB-ASI Input
dvbAsiOut (173), -- DVB-ASI Output
plc (174), -- Power Line Communtications
nfas (175), -- Non Facility Associated Signaling
tr008 (176), -- TR008
gr303RDT (177), -- Remote Digital Terminal
gr303IDT (178), -- Integrated Digital Terminal
isup (179), -- ISUP
propDocsWirelessMaclayer (180), -- Cisco proprietary Maclayer
propDocsWirelessDownstream (181), -- Cisco proprietary Downstream
propDocsWirelessUpstream (182), -- Cisco proprietary Upstream
hiperlan2 (183), -- HIPERLAN Type 2 Radio Interface
propBWAp2Mp (184), -- PropBroadbandWirelessAccesspt2multipt
-- use of this iftype for IEEE 802.16 WMAN
-- interfaces as per IEEE Std 802.16f is
-- deprecated and ifType 237 should be used instead.
sonetOverheadChannel (185), -- SONET Overhead Channel
digitalWrapperOverheadChannel (186), -- Digital Wrapper
aal2 (187), -- ATM adaptation layer 2
radioMAC (188), -- MAC layer over radio links
atmRadio (189), -- ATM over radio links
imt (190), -- Inter Machine Trunks
mvl (191), -- Multiple Virtual Lines DSL
reachDSL (192), -- Long Reach DSL
frDlciEndPt (193), -- Frame Relay DLCI End Point
atmVciEndPt (194), -- ATM VCI End Point
opticalChannel (195), -- Optical Channel
opticalTransport (196), -- Optical Transport
propAtm (197), -- Proprietary ATM
voiceOverCable (198), -- Voice Over Cable Interface
infiniband (199), -- Infiniband
teLink (200), -- TE Link
q2931 (201), -- Q.2931
virtualTg (202), -- Virtual Trunk Group
sipTg (203), -- SIP Trunk Group
sipSig (204), -- SIP Signaling
docsCableUpstreamChannel (205), -- CATV Upstream Channel
econet (206), -- Acorn Econet
pon155 (207), -- FSAN 155Mb Symetrical PON interface
pon622 (208), -- FSAN622Mb Symetrical PON interface
bridge (209), -- Transparent bridge interface
linegroup (210), -- Interface common to multiple lines
voiceEMFGD (211), -- voice E&M Feature Group D
voiceFGDEANA (212), -- voice FGD Exchange Access North American
voiceDID (213), -- voice Direct Inward Dialing
mpegTransport (214), -- MPEG transport interface
sixToFour (215), -- 6to4 interface (DEPRECATED)
gtp (216), -- GTP (GPRS Tunneling Protocol)
pdnEtherLoop1 (217), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 1
pdnEtherLoop2 (218), -- Paradyne EtherLoop 2
opticalChannelGroup (219), -- Optical Channel Group
homepna (220), -- HomePNA ITU-T G.989
gfp (221), -- Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)
ciscoISLvlan (222), -- Layer 2 Virtual LAN using Cisco ISL
actelisMetaLOOP (223), -- Acteleis proprietary MetaLOOP High Speed Link
fcipLink (224), -- FCIP Link
rpr (225), -- Resilient Packet Ring Interface Type
qam (226), -- RF Qam Interface
lmp (227), -- Link Management Protocol
cblVectaStar (228), -- Cambridge Broadband Networks Limited VectaStar
docsCableMCmtsDownstream (229), -- CATV Modular CMTS Downstream Interface
adsl2 (230), -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop Version 2
-- (DEPRECATED/OBSOLETED - please use adsl2plus 238 instead)
macSecControlledIF (231), -- MACSecControlled
macSecUncontrolledIF (232), -- MACSecUncontrolled
aviciOpticalEther (233), -- Avici Optical Ethernet Aggregate
atmbond (234), -- atmbond
voiceFGDOS (235), -- voice FGD Operator Services
mocaVersion1 (236), -- MultiMedia over Coax Alliance (MoCA) Interface
-- as documented in information provided privately to IANA
ieee80216WMAN (237), -- IEEE 802.16 WMAN interface
adsl2plus (238), -- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop Version 2,
-- Version 2 Plus and all variants
dvbRcsMacLayer (239), -- DVB-RCS MAC Layer
dvbTdm (240), -- DVB Satellite TDM
dvbRcsTdma (241), -- DVB-RCS TDMA
x86Laps (242), -- LAPS based on ITU-T X.86/Y.1323
wwanPP (243), -- 3GPP WWAN
wwanPP2 (244), -- 3GPP2 WWAN
voiceEBS (245), -- voice P-phone EBS physical interface
ifPwType (246), -- Pseudowire interface type
ilan (247), -- Internal LAN on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap
pip (248), -- Provider Instance Port on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ah PBB
aluELP (249), -- Alcatel-Lucent Ethernet Link Protection
gpon (250), -- Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (G-PON) as per ITU-T G.948
vdsl2 (251), -- Very high speed digital subscriber line Version 2 (as per ITU-T Recommendation G.993.2)
capwapDot11Profile (252), -- WLAN Profile Interface
capwapDot11Bss (253), -- WLAN BSS Interface
capwapWtpVirtualRadio (254), -- WTP Virtual Radio Interface
bits (255), -- bitsport
docsCableUpstreamRfPort (256), -- DOCSIS CATV Upstream RF Port
cableDownstreamRfPort (257), -- CATV downstream RF port
vmwareVirtualNic (258), -- VMware Virtual Network Interface
ieee802154 (259), -- IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN interface
otnOdu (260), -- OTN Optical Data Unit
otnOtu (261), -- OTN Optical channel Transport Unit
ifVfiType (262), -- VPLS Forwarding Instance Interface Type
g9981 (263), -- G.998.1 bonded interface
g9982 (264), -- G.998.2 bonded interface
g9983 (265), -- G.998.3 bonded interface
aluEpon (266), -- Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (E-PON)
aluEponOnu (267), -- EPON Optical Network Unit
aluEponPhysicalUni (268), -- EPON physical User to Network interface
aluEponLogicalLink (269), -- The emulation of a point-to-point link over the EPON layer
aluGponOnu (270), -- GPON Optical Network Unit
aluGponPhysicalUni (271), -- GPON physical User to Network interface
vmwareNicTeam (272), -- VMware NIC Team
docsOfdmDownstream (277), -- CATV Downstream OFDM interface
docsOfdmaUpstream (278), -- CATV Upstream OFDMA interface
gfast (279), -- G.fast port
sdci (280), -- SDCI (IO-Link)
xboxWireless (281), -- Xbox wireless
fastdsl (282), -- FastDSL
docsCableScte55d1FwdOob (283), -- Cable SCTE 55-1 OOB Forward Channel
docsCableScte55d1RetOob (284), -- Cable SCTE 55-1 OOB Return Channel
docsCableScte55d2DsOob (285), -- Cable SCTE 55-2 OOB Downstream Channel
docsCableScte55d2UsOob (286), -- Cable SCTE 55-2 OOB Upstream Channel
docsCableNdf (287), -- Cable Narrowband Digital Forward
docsCableNdr (288), -- Cable Narrowband Digital Return
ptm (289), -- Packet Transfer Mode
ghn (290), -- G.hn port
otnOtsi (291), -- Optical Tributary Signal
otnOtuc (292), -- OTN OTUCn
otnOduc (293), -- OTN ODUC
otnOtsig (294), -- OTN OTUC Signal
microwaveCarrierTermination (295), -- air interface of a single microwave carrier
microwaveRadioLinkTerminal (296), -- radio link interface for one or several aggregated microwave carriers
ieee8021axDrni (297), -- IEEE 802.1AX Distributed Resilient Network Interface
ax25 (298), -- AX.25 network interfaces
ieee19061nanocom (299) -- Nanoscale and Molecular Communication
yum install net-snmp-utils.x86_64 net-snmp.x86_64 && via sed -i "55i view systemview included .1" /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf && service snmpd restart
et paf !
attention très peu de sécurité sur cette configuration